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Personal Information Shmeder, Female, 31-35. Lives in Denver, Colorado, United States, speaks English. Eye color is brown. Hair is brown.
Age: 31-35
Denver Colorado


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26 August 2004 | 12:22 p.m.
To wax or not to wax

Read the entry and comments below and then read Ghostlight's entry. I still like my hairless cooter but she has some interesting considerations...

23 August 2004 | 12:30 a.m.
They want you to work ya dumbass

He entered the bar last night and came right up to talk to me. He was a little drunk. He wanted attention from me but I just couldn't give him what he wanted in front of all our friends. As much as I am attracted to him and as much as he is to me it's getting harder to say no. He wanted me to kiss him later on and I wouldn't. He called me when he got home last night and he called me today. I just need him to stop by my house and fuck me. I need a good solid weekend of sex with someone I care about.

In the shower yesterday, when I was cleaning my cooter, it was all smooth. I really dig that feeling. No, seriously, it rocks. If you're a girl you should try it and if you're a guy you need to find a girl that waxes down there. Shaving is not good enough. Waxing is the ticket. I might need to keep up on it.

I bought the new Beastie Boys album today. It's about fucking time. I'm seeing them at Red Rocks on September 9th. Can't wait!

Note to self: When the hospital calls don't fucking answer. They want you to work ya dumbass...

I got called in tonight and went for 4 hours. Ugh. I work at 7am but have to walk Tom's dog beforehand.

Why am I still awake?

20 August 2004 | 11:36 p.m.
Kids in America
Kim Wilde

I had to force myself out of bed this morning. I had to get a bikini wax. I haven't had one in a year. I was due.

Strange thing. It didn't really hurt that bad. I expected more pain. It could have been that I was a little hungover.

My waxer, Marilyn, calls my style French... I Googled it and didn't get too much info. It's similar to a Brazilian with a landing strip but it leaves some hair on the top of the labia. Otherwise, it might as well be a Brazilian. Go figure.

Speaking of Marilyn...

She was a contestant on "Who Wants to Marry my Dad?". She came in 3rd. The woman that won is apparently not very nice but all the other women were cool according to Marilyn. The Dad lives in Longmont Colorado and is a delivery driver for Frito-Lay.

20 August 2004 | 10:38 p.m.
She Sells Sanctuary
The Cult

I went out after my 12 hour shift on Wednesday to get drinks with Sonya. It was fun but I had to be at work at 7am on Thursday. Ugh.

We were short staffed at work on Thursday. So I went out for beers again last night.

I got home at about 11:30pm to find a waterfall in my kitchen. Fuck. I was flipping tired and the last thing I wanted to do was clean up nasty water in my kitchen and dining room. My drywall is not dry.

I ran upstairs and asked my neighbor to turn off her dishwasher until they can figure out the problem. I went to my other neighbor's house (adjacent to mine, is that right? Her kitchen and dining room mirror mine.) to see if she needed any help with the water in her place. We stood on her Pergo floors trying to squeeze out the water. Her floors are fucked. I luckily just have cheap ass nasty carpet.

She offered me a beer. Then she offered me another one. We ended up shit-faced. It was fun. Then I started to pass out around 4am.

I'm just sick of all this water damage happening at my house. I might rip up the carpet, polish the concrete, seal it and call it a floor. It would help with all these little indoor floods we keep on having.

Pfft. Water damage blows...

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