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Personal Information Shmeder, Female, 31-35. Lives in Denver, Colorado, United States, speaks English. Eye color is brown. Hair is brown.
Age: 31-35
Denver Colorado


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2002-08-15 | 12:07 p.m.
Fashion - turn to the left!

My weekend recap:

Friday was fun! Alconaut and I got all artistic and went to the Loveland Sculpture show. Mary, Bret's ex-girlfriend was there. It was great to see her again - I should learn her last name some I don't have to keep on saying Bret's ex. The food at he show was disappointing. The quality was far better last year. Ra got George bronzed - he is beautifully huge. I hope he sold him. Ra also made a new gargoyle that I fell in love with. I ordered one and since he's not in bronze or stainless steel I can afford him! He is a fantastic artist.

On Saturday I went to The Parrish House. Dr. Stuart collects and sells original Maxfield Parrish prints. I bought a bookplate for my sister's wedding, a bookplate for me and a cd with over 1000 Parrish pictures. It's way cool.

After The Parrish House I went with Ke to the Area2 festival to see David Bowie. I love him more than I used to. He was only about 20 feet away from us and you could see the color in his eyes. He was very charismatic and you could tell he was having a good time. He sang stuff from his new album, China Girl, Let's Dance, Fame, Heroes, Fashion, Ziggy Stardust and a bunch of others. Then Moby came on and he was ok. Moby didn't sound as good as Bowie - it's hard to create his music live - studio is better for him. During Moby these two lesbians picked a fight with a couple of guys. One of the guys got beer thrown in his face - it was pretty fun to watch.

Bowie Bowie Bowie

Tuesday night Alconaut and I went to Elitches - she was a bit of a chicken shit. It was fun to watch and listen to her reactions. I made her ride in the front seat of a rollercoaster - I don't think she'll ever do that again.

My sister's wedding is only a week away! Yesterday I spent a ton of money on vanity - I got my eyebrows waxed and my haircut. Then I went and had my car cleaned and waxed b/c my brother-in-law (the gearhead) will give a hard time about a dirty car.

This isn't a very exciting entry but I'm afraid if I start writing about what's really going on in my head I might not ever stop writing! It's a crazy mindfuck.

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