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Personal Information Shmeder, Female, 31-35. Lives in Denver, Colorado, United States, speaks English. Eye color is brown. Hair is brown.
Age: 31-35
Denver Colorado


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2003-02-17 | 3:10 p.m.
Wake up dumb fuck

Man, you can be such a stupid fucking idiot. When are you ever going to grow up and get rid of your fucking pity party? Poor me, my life isn't perfect - well who has a perfect life?

This is what I keep on telling myself lately when the reality of life w/o prozac hits me and the stress from school and filling out applications hits me and how am I going to afford all of this and what if I don't get accepted into school and what if my endocrinologist does find something horrilbly wrong with me and what if it takes me forever to find a job?

Yes, I definitely have PCOS and might have another syndrome b/c my cortisol level is too high. My recent level was 31.2 and the normal level s/b from 6 to 23. So I do have a few more tests that my doc wants to run. This should be interesting.

BTW, wouldn't it have been nice if this entry was about you? But it's my diary so it will focus on me. Some of my friends that read this diary seem to think I make references to them all the time. If I make a reference to anyone I at least use your first initial. In general I love you guys and I generally only reference random people at work or acquaintances - you're not an acquaintance if you know of the existence of this diary.

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