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Personal Information Shmeder, Female, 31-35. Lives in Denver, Colorado, United States, speaks English. Eye color is brown. Hair is brown.
Age: 31-35
Denver Colorado


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19 February 2004 | 7:04 p.m.

I have to put my kitty to sleep tomorrow at 2:30. I won't be updating for a few days.

Have a good weekend!

19 February 2004 | 9:37 a.m.

I may not be right but I am never wrong. Pfft...

18 February 2004 | 11:56 p.m.
Good Morning!

Is it just me or do the people that live above me flush the toilet every time I'm in the shower? Tomorrow after they flush, I will walk upstairs naked and show them the red welts on my back from the scalding hot water they subjected me to. If this behavior continues, I will have to pull out a can of WhoopAss on them. Communal living is a treat, isn�t it?

18 February 2004 | 1:01 a.m.
Toothless wonder

It�s weird how things in life can change so rapidly. One minute we�re dancing, the next minute one of us is missing. A guy that we had been hanging out with all night, John, just up and disappeared. Since we had just met him I really didn�t take much notice. We took a break from dancing and went to find him. He wouldn�t look at us and shied away embarrassed. His friend, Steve, finally slurred (heavily intoxicated) some psychobabble to us about a tooth or teeth. John would finally talk to us and let us know that a couple of �falsies� had fallen out. It ended up not being a big deal to us at all. It was just weird watching an overly confident man crumble to nothing because his appearance and smile changed instantly. Next thing you know, I�m chatting up a bartender trying to get a flashlight. The bartender�s a prick and sends me over to talk to my local rent-a-cops. John sees me coming with the cops and turns another shade of red. Two minutes later, we have 30 people searching the ground for teeth. I put my finger on a nasty piece of gum. A friend put her finger on a sharp piece of wood or metal. Everyone stopped to help the guy out. I had sticky fingers and my friend needed a tetanus shot. Alas, we did not find the teeth but we made quite a few friends looking for them. Everyone is my friend when I have a few drinks in me. Note to self: pretend to lose something on the floor�you meet guys that way.

On another note, I had an interesting conversation with commuterboy the other day. He surprisingly called from London to say hello and talk about sex. Fantastic. It was very easy to tell him whatever he wanted to know. He seemed to want to know everything about my experience and what I like to do, what size penis I prefer, when was the last time, am I bi-curious etc. I don�t know if anyone has ever asked me blatant questions like that. If anyone has, I know I answered the questions as much as I could depending on my comfort level with him/her. Then again, most of my friends already know the answers to those questions. It was a great conversation. Funny how you can connect with someone 7 hours away and tell them whatever they want and they can say whatever they want to you because it just seems safer. Is it just a form of therapy confirming that we all go through the same shit?

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