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Personal Information Shmeder, Female, 31-35. Lives in Denver, Colorado, United States, speaks English. Eye color is brown. Hair is brown.
Age: 31-35
Denver Colorado


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2004-02-07 | 7:14 a.m.
Kick what?

I went to the board meeting the other night. It takes 2 hours to decide when to schedule the next meeting. This is kickball. I think my last job had fewer politics than kickball. Pfft.

B- Hey Shmeder! You haven't been your old fun self tonight. What's going on?

S- Well, I got fucked enough by everyone so I'm done. You know, people fucking with my head and finding it entertaining and acceptable.

B- Wha?

S- All I wanted was sex, not a relationship. I just wanted sex more than once. I just wanted a guy I could call when I was needin' a little somethin' somethin'. I didn't want a relationship but I certainly didn't want a one night stand either. Do you know what will snap me out of this mood of mine?

B- (Eyes glazed over, jaw dropped, amazed at the uncensored honesty spewing out of my mouth) huh?

S- Sex! Jeez. It would also help if everyone in kickball stopped talking about everything I do and get lives of their own. Then I might return to myself but until then you get the unexciting not telling any of you a damn thing version.

After the meeting and that conversation I felt really good for not sugar coating a damn thing. I'm proud of myself for staying honest. I'm glad I'm not 13 anymore and have returned to the adult world. I just don't know what kickballers to trust and which ones not to. I thought some of these people were my friends. Then "that guy" told me my nickname. It's Surprise Boob" because he apparently was clueless that I even had a chest until he saw me with my shirt off. At the moment when he was all giddy with elation and shock (3 months ago) I even explained to him that he probably never noticed because he is used to seeing me with a sports bra on at kickball. What an idiot. Then he goes off and tells ALL of his friends. That makes him an Ass Wipe in my book. Now they all call me Surprise Boob. Ugh. I sometimes can't stand that my chest is larger than average. Even Chesty Chest-a-lot would be better or at least have a little more imagination. I will be thinking of better nicknames for myself the rest of the day. I'll write them as I think of them. Any suggestions?

I'm annoyed that my blog might be labeled as a little too emo. Ick. I need to work on it. I'll make an emo one under another alias so as to stop boring everyone.

2004-02-07 | 7:06 p.m.
Moon Song

This is the first link I've received in a long time that I enjoyed:

Moon Song

It's been out there for a while but it's classic.

2004-02-05 | 12:48 p.m.
Chunks went flying...
Listening to: Pixies
Mood: Good

I HAD an excessive amount of snow on the roof of my car. When I turned the corner, in a double turn lane, big chunks went flying and landed on another car's windsheild. Oops. I got honked at. The guy was staring at me at the next stoplight waiting for me to look at him so he could bitch more. He was acting like a crazy lady on acid. Some people really need to mellow...

Jeez! Yesterday's entries were grim. Ick. I hate it when I do that.

It's still snowing...yippee!

I had my appointment this morning. No biggy. Nothing new and exciting.

Life is TOO short.

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